A blog by Luke Akehurst about politics, elections, and the Labour Party - With subtitles for the Hard of Left. Just for the record: all the views expressed here are entirely personal and do not necessarily represent the positions of any organisations I am a member of.

Friday, May 04, 2007

More Meltup

Help! The end is nigh... how can Labour survive when we are getting "terrible" results like these (net change):

Bassetlaw - 1 Labour gain
Berwick on Tweed - 1 Labour gain
Bradford - 2 gains at expense of Tories and Greens
Burnley - 1 gain at expense of BNP
Calderdale - 1 gain at expense of BNP
Cannock Chase - 1 gain at expense of LDs
Doncaster - no change
Gateshead - no change
Kirklees - 2 gains
Liverpool - 4 gains from LDs
N Tyneside - 1 gain
Redditch - no change
Solihull - no change
S Cambs - no change
S Lakeland - no change
Waveney - no change


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leeds: 3 Labour gains, two from the Conservatives, one from the Libdems. Swing of 4% from Tories to Labour across the 4 wards that make up Colin Burgon's Elmet constituency.

1:53 pm, May 04, 2007

Blogger Unknown said...

Oh come on man, I'm with you on the principle here, but 'no change' in South Cambs was in fact us having one councillor, who wasn't up for election this year, who we still have!

2:54 pm, May 04, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Luke become New Labour's answer to Comical Ali?

4:16 pm, May 04, 2007

Blogger Shamik Das said...

The highlight for me was the way the Lib Dems got screwed!

Our vote increased, while theirs slumped, for the fourth year running. 2004: 29%, 2005: 28%, 2006: 27%, 2007: 26%.

Next up, lets wipe the smirk off Alex Salmond's face ...

4:16 pm, May 04, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely bad for the Lib Dems.

But wasn't the Labour hope to avoid a situation where the Tories win 800+ seats and we lose 400+? It looks like we'll be in that situation soon.

Oh Luke, your eternal optimism is endearing, if a bit demented.

4:47 pm, May 04, 2007

Blogger susan press said...

Calderdale - 1 Tory gain from Liberal democrats.

12:53 pm, May 05, 2007


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