A blog by Luke Akehurst about politics, elections, and the Labour Party - With subtitles for the Hard of Left. Just for the record: all the views expressed here are entirely personal and do not necessarily represent the positions of any organisations I am a member of.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Stats for October

During the course of October the site had exactly 5500 page views (up from 4897 in Sept) and 1335 different visitors (up from 1112 in Sept).

Top 10 referring sites sending people here:
www.google.com and variants - 17% of visitors
www.bloggers4labour.org - 9% of visitors
www.blogger.com - 6% of visitors
www.iaindale.blogspot.com - 5% of visitors
www.tom-watson.co.uk - 4% of visitors
www.lukeakehurstsblog.blogspot.com -2% of visitors
http://thedaily.wordpress.com - 2% of visitors
www.davespartblog.blogspot.com -2% of visitors
www.thecrazyworldofpolitics.blogspot.com - 2% of visitors
www.ribblevalleyred.blogspot.com -1% of visitors

Visitor locations:
UK 67% (+7% from Sept)
USA 12% (+1%)

Heaviest days of traffic: Oct 30 (thanks to a link from Iain Dale's site to my post on Hazel Blears)

Most read posts: this and this

Strangest google seach terms leading to this site:
"Gill George Respect"
"universal hint system ciao bella"
"bob casey ceo hipp"
"luke i am your father spoof"
"lawson lucas and mendelson"
"what does the name luke mean"
"alicia kennedy general secretary labour party"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got the link to our website wrong. If we were more cynical, we'd think you'd done it on purpose. ;-)


11:35 am, November 01, 2006


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